Awesome Social Media Experts to Teach at Miami Ad School

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Leaders in the social media space are coming to Miami Ad School Wynwood for the Boot Camp for Social Media

The April 4, 2016 start of the Boot Camp for Social Media in Miami is just around the corner! The boot camp’s mentors will be here for one reason: to prepare you to do the work and get your heart’s desire—a career in the ever-changing field of social media.

Your mentors are all social media experts from top agencies and platforms. Check out the line up!

Carlos Roncajolo / Head of Digital / Cheil Worldwide

Zack Jerome / Brand Strategy Director / Wieden+Kennedy

Kelsey Harmon / Associate Strategy Director / R/GA

Lauren Zink / Manager, U.S. Partnerships / VICE Media Group

Alex Hisaka / Head of Global Content Marketing / LinkedIn

Kyle Bunch / Managing Director, Social / R/GA

Here are the courses, broken down week-by-week.

Week One
We will discuss today’s hottest platforms and which ones are most relevant to brands. You will also explore how mobile & social triggered an evolutionary leap in media in the connected age. Participants will learn where social media fits in building a brand today. In this complex communication universe, there is a greater need to establish an integrated brand marketing strategy that connects business objectives with social media strategy, platforms and tactics.

Week Two
It’s hard to keep pace with human behavior, and since brands today are experienced across many different channels and devices, you need a strategy and narrative that can flow between platforms and user modalities. In this module you’ll learn to integrate and develop transformative strategies with cross-channel fluency.

Week Three

In a world where only the truly creative and innovative get noticed, social media ideas need to combine the strength of visual and narrative branding creativity with the power of analytics. Social media sometimes seems like a numbers game, but the only way to earn those numbers is to add user value through with your content. You’ll go beyond the selfie and even beyond the hashtag,to craft ideas that engage.

Week Four
What works, what doesn’t and why. Understanding the building blocks of successful campaigns is just the starting point. It is important to create an “architecture for participation,” making media that inspires people to share and aligns the campaign story with community values. We will review examples of great social campaigns and identify what defines success in a social campaign. Explore content, timing, images, voice and the selection of the right networks to make SM history.

Week Five
You’ve already established your brand across social media platforms and have a decent fan base. So, why pay for media when you can get it for free? Because it can create momentum, increase ranking and even establish endorsement partners, increasing your visibility. Develop a media plan to promote a campaign with a budget.

Week Six
To produce great content you’ll need to define your goals, plan ahead, evaluate your content production capabilities, content distribution channels, define audiences, schedule, publish and promote… A content calendar is your sanity’s best friend. With the proliferation of smart phones and tablets, social brand experiences are not limited to sitting in front of the computer. Interacting with brands are increasingly mobile and add incentives or gamification with check-ins or photo sharing. We will discuss great examples of brand platforms and how to extend the brand experience through multiple screens.

Week Seven
With the proliferation of social networks, understanding which platforms are the right forums to bring to life your brand strategy has never been more critical. How these convey your message and interact with each other, as viewers encounter pieces of communication across random points of space and time, are additional variables that must be addressed.

Week Eight
Define the goals of the campaign, “listen” to what the competition is doing, write the key metrics, identify your audience, elect the channels, pick the platforms, create an editorial calendar… Launch, optimize and be social.

Week Nine
If behavior is the driving engine of social media, influence is the fuel. Our ability to behave and feel like others is human, social media just amplified it. What role does credibility play? How about trust and reach? Learn to identify what builds influence and how to use it in your strategies.

Week Ten
Media changes everyday with new apps, platforms and ways of sharing and connecting in the digital space. With new gadgets like web linked glasses, the ever-evolving tablet and improvements in smart phones, the way we consume media is constantly adapting to the newest technology. We will discuss the future of geolocation, mobile for commerce, interactive TV and maybe even come up with the next big thing.

Week Eleven
Social media students are required to present their body of work from the program to a leading social media strategist. This final review is the pass/fail crucible for the social media program.

Week Twelve
During the final week of Boot Camp students will have the opportunity to meet with social media professionals. The event varies in location depending on the interest of the class. It has occurred in Miami, New York and San Francisco.

Are you ready to start your career in social media?
The application deadline for the Miami Boot Camp is February 29th.
APPLY NOW for the Boot Camp for Social Media.

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