This Valentine’s Day—Have the Courage to Break Up
When it’s not all you hoped it would be, maybe it’s time to end things. Grads Raj and Colby’s new campaign gives you the courage to break up. With your phone.
In this second decade of the 21st century, most of us have a special relationship. An association so intimate that, in many ways, it defines us. We love our smartphones.
Alas, like many objects of our affection, our phone can let us down. Many of us hold on and try to make it work—out of habit or fear—even though we know deep down that the magic is gone.
Miami Ad School graduates Rajath Ramamurthy (Miami) and Colby Spear (Hamburg) have been there. They want to help you let go. Their new “Move On” campaign for Motorola’s Moto Z gives all us permission to seek out those greener pastures and make a clean break with the past.
Always Running Out Of Juice? (:30)
Fantasizing About Another One? (:30)
Say Hello to Moto Z + Moto Mods (:30)
Copywriter Colby Spear and Art Director Rajath Ramamurthy, Ogilvy Mather, NY
In addition to full schedules at Ogilvy Mather New York, Colby and Raj teach at Miami Ad School New York. They graciously pass on what they have learned, giving a new group of aspiring creatives the benefit of their experience.