Creativity Is A Superpower: Miami Ad School Student Helps #BuildTheWalls After Mexico Earthquake

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Miami Ad School New York copywriter Ana Miraglia takes divisive rhetoric and turns it into a force for good.

#BuildTheWalls home page.

#BuildTheWalls home page.

In the wake of two massive earthquakes in Mexico last month, a comprehensive, multi-national relief effort is underway to help the people dig out from the rubble and rebuild their homes, their lives and their nation. It seems like everyone is looking for a way they can help. Ana Miraglia, a Miami Ad School copywriting student was no different. Working with her friend and art director, Lucas Cruz, they found a way to take something divisive from the public discourse and repurpose it to help restore Mexico.

#BuildTheWalls promotes the Mexico Earthquake Relief Fund, a Global Giving project. Global Giving is a global crowdfunding community that connects tens of thousands of individual donors. The fund has raised over $1.7 million USD, of its ongoing goal of $2.5 million USD, as of the date of this post.

The Mexico Earthquake Relief Fund has helped provide immediate relief to survivors—food, shelter, water, and medicine—and, in addition, will provide long-term assistance to help Mexican citizens all over the country rebuild. All donations to the fund will exclusively support recovery from these disasters.

Not so long ago, building a wall seemed like a way of keeping people apart. Now building walls is the way to make a people whole again.

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