An Application as Creative as the Career

Follow the instructions below to complete and submit your photo and video application. 

Mireidys Garcia, Admissions Advisor

Let's to Get to Know You

Answer two (2) of the following questions in a couple of sentences. Be spontaneous. Don’t overthink it. This should only take about 5 minutes.

1. What is your favorite hobby or passion project? 

2. What is your best habit…and what’s your worst?

3. What is your mantra?

4. What’s the best mistake you ever made?

Creative Exercises for Future
Photographers and Videographers

a. If you don’t have example work to show us…
No worries! Choose any two or three (2-3) of the creative exercises below to submit.

b. If you already have examples to show us… 
(paintings, drawings, designs, advertising, fashion ideas, videos, tik-toks, blogs, sculptures, poems, photographs, short stories, etc…)
Show us five (5) of your existing pieces, and choose one (1) of the creative exercises below to complete and submit as well.

Walk around your neighborhood. Take at least 5 photos that tell a story. It can be as simple as bikes in your neighborhood, what people leave on their porches and even interesting cracks on the sidewalk.  

Write a caption for each image. 

Composition is one of the most important skills to have as a visual creator. This should take about 2 hours.

Check out a few examples past students have made:

Find and place two images side by side in order to compare/contrast to show similarities and differences. Choose images and themes that speak to you.

This is the fundamental basis of many brilliant concepts.

Create a Mood Board of all elements, feelings, favourites, that best describe the person you are! There are no visual rules or number of elements. Free your imagination.

Examples: photos, drawings, tickets, poems, objects, cards, movie posters, and whatever else you want.

Create a short (30-60 seconds) video that shows who you are and what makes you a unique creative. It can be as simple or complex as you like. Whatever shows your personality.

Explore the creative exercises for our other programs.

Nueva Generación Fecha de inicio: 10 de Octubre

Nuestros programas comienzan 4 veces al año: en enero, Abril, julio y octubre. Realiza tu entrevista y prueba creativa para inscribirte en la escuela creativa más premiada del mundo

La red creativa

Únete a los 50.000 creativos que reciben el boletín de M.AD.

Hemos construido silenciosamente la red creativa más influyente del mundo. Es hora de que lo aproveches. Cada semana recopilamos el contenido creativo más importante del mundo y lo compartimos directamente en tu correo electrónico de forma gratuita.

Cuando los vientos de cambio cambien de dirección… vas a saberlo primero.

Agenda una llamada

Obtén más información sobre nuestro proceso de admisión y da el primer paso hacia la carrera de sus sueños hoy.